GTMpower™ is a robust data management solution that allows users to quickly transform their data into meaningful analysis and accurate results. Users can define, import, and easily update calculations and reporting from any raw data source, regardless of volume. A one-time configuration of easy to understand, rules-based logic makes manipulation of that data quick and repeatable. Say goodbye to manual data manipulation and empower your team with a data management tool that will handle any scale to match evolving business needs

Don't Work to Process your Data
Let your Data Process Work for you

Without the right data management and automation solution in place, tax teams are wasting time. Time gathering information from disparate systems, reformatting data, and hunting down missing tax-specific data from different departments. Sound familiar?
This hunting and gathering "lost time" is not only inefficient and leaves margin for error, but it also underutilizes the talent of your tax accountants, who should be focused on analysis and reporting.

Use one tool to handle data for a variety of specific Uses

  • Affordable solution for any size tax department
  • Automated processing of data based on rules driven approach
  • Scalability required for massive datasets (SQL database)
  • Configurable data validation methods
  • Flexible import allows for multiple sources and formats
  • Period and scenario indicators to create organization for historical reference
  • Web-based user interface that integrates with Microsoft Excel
  • Options for hosting – internally or cloud-based

For more information about GTMpower™ please visit out Wiki page!

Request a Demo of GTMpower™

Ryan Lynch

Managing Director Tax Automation

(610) 299-4581


Thomas Powers

Lead Developer

(484) 431-4195